Life after logging: reconciling wildlife conservation and production forestry in Indonesian Borneo

Meijaard, E., D. Sheil, R. Nasi, D. Augeri, B. Rosenbaum, D. Iskandar, T. Setyawati, M.J. Lammertink, I. Rachmatika, A. Wong, T. Soehartono, S. Stanley. and T. OêBrien
PublisherCIFOR, WCS, WWF, TNC, ITTO, SwedBio, CIRAD, LIPI, FORDA, EU, The World Bank and UNESCO
SourceScience Chronicles
Volume / Issue N/A
Pages N/A
Total Pages345
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OtherBogor, Indonesia. agriculture
Conference Title N/A
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GS Citation190
AbstractTropical rainforests are the most species-rich terrestrial ecosystems on earth, but these forests are rapidly disappearing as land is cleared for timber, agriculture and other uses. Strictly protected areas are never likely to be large enough to conserve
Created: 12/14/2017 10:30 AM (ET)
Modified: 12/14/2017 10:30 AM (ET)
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