Overstory tree mortality resulting from reintroducing fire to long-unburned longleaf pine forests: the importance of duff moisture

Canadian Journal of Forest Research
Varner, J. Morgan, III; Hiers, J. Kevin; Ottmar, Roger D.; Gordon, Doria R.; Putz, Francis E.; Wade, Dale D.
Publisher N/A
Volume / Issue37(8)
Total Pages10
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Publication Date7-Aug
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GS Citation42
AbstractIn forests historically maintained by frequent fire, reintroducing fire after decades of exclusion often causes widespread overstory mortality. To better understand this phenomenon, we subjected 16 fire-excluded (ca. 40 years since fire) 10 ha longleaf pi
Created: 12/14/2017 10:30 AM (ET)
Modified: 12/14/2017 10:30 AM (ET)
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