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Library of Recent Publications by Eastern Division


Recent publications by the Eastern Division of The Nature Conservancy:

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Peer-reviewed publications by Eastern Division staff

Peer-reviewed publication authors in bold are current or former Eastern Conservation Science team members.

Anderson, M.G., Clark, M. and A. Olivero-Sheldon, 2014. Estimating Climate Resilience for Conservation across Geophysical Settings. Conservation Biology 28 (4) 1523-1739.Online linkage.

Anderson, M.G., and C.E. Ferree. 2010. Conserving the Stage: climate change and the geophysical underpinnings of species diversity. PLoSONE July (5): 7 e11554. Online linkage.

Anderson, M.G. 2010. Integrating Ecoregional Planning at Greater Spatial Scales. in S.C. Trombulak and R.F. Baldwin (eds.), Landscape-scale Conservation Planning, Springer Science. 427 p. Online linkage.

Anderson, M.G., C. Ferree, A. Olivero, and F. Zhao. 2010. Restoring Floodplain Forests using flow modeling and remote sensing to determine the best places for conservation. Natural Areas Journal 30:39-52. Online linkage.

Anderson, M.G and Allen, B. 2010. Ecoregional Conservation – a comprehensive approach to conversing biodiversity. In Mongomery, C (ed) Regional Planning Comes of Age. Rutgers Univ Press. Pp 510-520.

Anderson M.G. 2008. Conserving Forest Ecosystems: Guidelines for Size, Condition and Landscape Requirements. In Askins, R.A. (ed) Saving Biological Diversity: Balancing Protection of Endangered Species and Ecosystems. Springer-Verlag. Pp 119 - 136. Online linkage.

Anderson, M.G., M.D. Merrill, and F. D. Biasi. 1998b. Connecticut River Watershed Analysis: Ecological communities and Neo-tropical migratory birds. Final Report to USGS Biological Resources Division. The Nature Conservancy, Boston MA. 236 pp.

Anderson, M.G. 1994. Interactions between Lythrum salicaria and native organisms: a critical review. Environmental Management Vol. 19(2):225-231. Online linkage.

Baldwin, R.F., S.Trombulak, M.G. Anderson and G. Woolmer. 2007. Projecting transition probabilities for regular public roads at the ecoregion scale: a Northern Appalachian/Acadian case study. Landscape and Urban Planning 80: 404-411. Online linkage.

Barnett, Analie, Joseph Fargione; Mark P. Smith. 2016. Mapping Trade-Offs in Ecosystem Services from Reforestation in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley. BioScience 2016; doi: 10.1093/biosci/biv181. Online linkage.

Game, E. T., C. Groves, M. Anderson, M. Cross, C. Enquist, Z. Ferdaña, E.Girvetz, A. Gondor, K. Hall, J. Higgins, R. Marshall, K. Popper, S. Schill, and S. L. Shafer (2010) Incorporating climate change adaptation into regional conservation assessments. The Nature Conservancy. Arlington, Virginia. Biodiversity and Conservation 21(7):1651-1671. Online linkage.

Groves, C.R., D.B. Jensen, L.L. Valutis, K.H. Redford, M.L. Shaffer, J.M. Scott, J.V. Baumgartner, J.V. Higgins, M.W. Beck, and M.G. Anderson. 2002. Planning for biodiversity conservation: Putting conservation science into practice. BioScience 52(6): 499-512. Online linkage.

Hiers, J.K., R.J. Mitchell, A. Barnett, J.R. Walters, M. Mack, B. Williams, and R. Sutter. 2012. The Dynamic Reference Concept: Measuring Restoration Success in a Rapidly Changing No-Analogue Future. Ecological Restoration 30(1): 27-36. Online linkage.

Homa, E., Vogel, R., Smith, M., Apse, C., Huber-Lee, A., and Sieber, J. An Optimization Approach for Balancing Human and Ecological Flow Needs. 2005. Impacts of Global Climate Change: pp. 1-12. doi: 10.1061/40792(173)76. Online linkage.

Kirkman, L. K., A. Barnett, B.W. Williams, J.K. Hiers, S.M. Pokswinski, and R.J. Mitchell. 2013. A dynamic reference model: a framework for assessing biodiversity restoration goals in a fire-dependent ecosystem. Ecological Applications 23:1574–1587. Online linkage.

Kleisner, Kristin M., M. J. Fogarty, S. McGee, A. Barnett, P. Fratantoni, J. Greene, J. A. Hare, S. M. Lucey, C. McGuire, J. Odell, V. S. Saba, L. Smith, K. J. Weaver, M. L. Pinsky . 2016. The Effects of Sub-Regional Climate Velocity on the Distribution and Spatial Extent of Marine Species Assemblages. PLoS ONE 11(2): e0149220. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0149220.

Loudermilk, E. L., J. K. Hiers, S. Pokswinski, J. J. O'Brien, A. Barnett, and R. J. Mitchell. 2016. The path back: oaks (Quercus spp.) facilitate longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) seedling establishment in xeric sites. Ecosphere 7(6): e01361. 10.1002/ecs2.1361. Online linkage.

Martin, E. C. Kelleher and T. Wagener. Has urbanization changed ecological streamflow characteristics in Maine (USA)? 2012. Hydrological Sciences Journal 57(7):1337-1354. Online linkage.

Opperman, J. J., C. Apse, F. Ayer, J. Banks, L.R. Day, J. Royte, and J. Seebach. Hydropower, Salmon and the Penobscot River (Maine, USA): Pursuing Improved Environmental and Energy Outcomes Through Participatory Decision-Making and Basin-Scale Decision Context. 2011. In J. Burger (ed.), Stakeholders and Scientists: Achieving Implementable Solutions 311 to Energy and Environmental Issues, Springer Science + Business Media. Online linkage.

Opperman, J.J., J. Royte, J. Banks, L.R. Day and C. Apse. The Penobscot River, Maine, USA: a Basin-Scale Approach to Balancing Power Generation and Ecosystem Restoration. 2011. Ecology and Society 16(3):7. Online linkage.

Pelletier D, Clark M, Anderson MG, Rayfield B, Wulder MA, et al. (2014) Applying Circuit Theory for Corridor Expansion and Management at Regional Scales: Tiling, Pinch Points, and Omnidirectional Connectivity. PLoS ONE 9(1): e84135. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0084135. Online linkage.

Poiani, K.A., B.D. Richter, M. G. Anderson, and H. E. Richter. 2000. Biodiversity conservation at multiple scales. BioScience 50(2): 133-146. Online linkage.

Smith, M.P. Finding Common Ground: How Advocacy Coalitions Succeed in Protecting Environmental Flows. Journal of the American Water Recourses. 2009. 45(5):1100-1115. Online linkage.

Wiens, J., Sutter, R., Anderson, M., Blanchard, J., Barnett, A. Aguilar-Armuchastegui, N. Avery, C. and Laine, S. 2009. Selecting and conserving lands for biodiversity: the role of remote sensing. Remote Sensing of Environment 113: 1370-1381. Online linkage.

Wiens, J.A., M.G. Anderson, and T. Boucher. 2008. Land cover and conservation: From protected areas to landscapes. In Campbell, J.C., K.N.Jones, J.H. Smith and M.T. Koeppe North America Land Cover Summit. Association of American Geographers. Pp 163-168. Online linkage.

Wiggers, M.S., J.K. Hiers, A. Barnett, R.S. Boyd, and L.K. Kirkman. 2016. Seed heat tolerance and germination of six legume species native to a fire-prone longleaf pine forest. Plant Ecology. DOI 10.1007/s11258-016-0674-x Online linkage.

Woolmer, G., S.C. Trombulak, J.C. Ray, P.J. Doran, M.G. Anderson, R.F. Baldwin, A. Morgan, and E.W. Sanderson. 2008. Rescaling the Human Footprint: A tool for conservation planning at an ecoregional scale. Landscape and Urban Planning 87:42-53. Online linkage.

TNC reports

Anderson, M.G. and Barnett, A. 2017. Resilient Coastal Sites for Conservation in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic US. The Nature Conservancy, Eastern Conservation Science. Download pdf. (23 mb).

Anderson, M.G., A. Barnett, M. Clark, C. Ferree, A. Olivero Sheldon, J. Prince. 2016. Resilient Sites for Terrestrial Conservation in Eastern North America. The Nature Conservancy, Eastern Conservation Science. Download pdf. (23.6 mb).

Anderson, M.G., A. Barnett, M. Clark, C. Ferree, A. Olivero Sheldon, and J.Prince. 2014. Resilient Sites for Terrestrial Conservation in the Southeast Region. The Nature Conservancy, Eastern Conservation Science. 127 pp. Download pdf. (42.2mb).

Anderson, M.G., Barnett, A., Clark, M., Prince, J., Olivero Sheldon, A. and Vickery B. 2016. Resilient and Connected Landscapes for Terrestrial Conservation. The Nature Conservancy, Eastern Conservation Science, Eastern Regional Office. Boston, MA. Download pdf. (18.4 mb).

Anderson, M.G., M. Clark, and A. Olivero Sheldon. 2012. The State of Nature in the Northeast and MidAtlantic. The Nature Conservancy, 14 pp. Download pdf.

Anderson, M.G., M. Clark, and A. Olivero Sheldon. 2012. Resilient Sites for Terrestrial Conservation in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic Region. The Nature Conservancy, Eastern Conservation Science. 168pp. Download pdf.

Anderson M.G. and A. Olivero Sheldon, 2011. Conservation Status of Fish, Wildlife and Natural Habitats in the Northeast Landscape: Implementation of the Northeast Monitoring Framework. The Nature Conservancy. Eastern Conservation Science. 289 pp. Download pdf.

Anderson, M.G., P. Bourgeron, M.T. Bryer, R. Crawford, L. Engelking, D. Faber-Langendoen, M. Gallyoun, K. Goodin, D.H. Grossman, S. Landaal, K. Metzler, K.D. Patterson, M. Pyne, M. Reid, L. Sneddon, and A.S. Weakley. 1998c. International classification of ecological communities: terrestrial vegetation of the United States. Volume II: The National Vegetation Classification System: list of types. The Nature Conservancy, Arlington, VA.

Apse, C., M. DePhilip, J. Zimmerman, and M.P. Smith, and contributions from the Pennsylvania Instream Flow Technical Advisory Committee. Developing Instream Flow Criteria to Support Ecologically Sustainable Water Resource Planning and Management. 2008. The Nature Conservancy. Online pdf.

Davis, M., A. Barnett, and E. Watson. 2012. Flow Alteration of Streams and Rivers of the South Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative. Online linkage.

Ferree C. and M.G. Anderson. 2013. A Map of Terrestrial Habitats of the Northeastern United States: Methods and Approach. The Nature Conservancy, Eastern Conservation Science. Download pdf.

Greene, J.K., M.G. Anderson, J. Odell, and N. Steinberg, eds. 2010. The Northwest Atlantic Marine Ecoregional Assessment: Species, Habitats and Ecosystems. Phase One. The Nature Conservancy, Eastern U.S. Division, Boston, MA. Download pdf.

Groves, C., Anderson, M., Enquist, C., Girvetz, E., Sandwith, T., Schwarz, L., Shaw, R. 2010. Climate Change and Conservation: A Primer for Assessing Impacts and Advancing Ecosystem-based Adaptation in The Nature Conservancy. The Nature Conservancy. Arlington, VA 55 Pp. Online linkage.

Halliwell, Dave and Olivero, Arlene. 2019.  New England Proper Native Freshwater Fish Biogeographical Assemblages. Maine Department of Environmental Protection & The Nature Conservancy Eastern Conservation Science. p.178 Download full report - Download report only (no maps) - Download map appendix.

Maher, Nicole. 2018. Saltmarsh Restoration Regional Technical Workgroup (RTW): Final Report. The Nature Conservancy, NY. 20pp. Download pdf.

Ecoregional plans

Anderson, M.G., Comer, P., Grossman, D., Groves, C., Poiani, K., Reid, M., Schneider, R., Vickery, B., and A. Weakley. 1999. Guidelines for representing ecological communities in ecoregional conservation plans. The Nature Conservancy. 74 pp.

Anderson, M.G., Lombard, L., Lundgren, J., Allen, B., Antenen, S., Bechtel, D., Bowden, A., Carabetta, M, Ferree, C., Jordan, M., Khanna, S., Morse, D., Olivero, A., Sferra, N., Upmeyer, M. 2006. The North Atlantic Coast: Ecoregional Assessment, Conservation Status and Resource CD. The Nature Conservancy. Boston, MA. Download .doc.

Anderson, M.G., Vickery, B., Gorman, M., Gratton, L., Morrison, M., Mailet, J., Olivero, A., Ferree, C., Morse, D., Kehm, G., Rosalska, K., Khanna, S., and S. Bernstein. 2006. The Northern Appalachian / Acadian Ecoregion: Ecoregional Assessment, Conservation Status and Resource CD. The Nature Conservancy. Boston, MA.

Anderson M.G., Barbour H. Bernstein, S., Ferree, C., Kehm, G., Olivero, A. 2003. The Lower New England –Northern Peidmont Ecoregional Assessment Plan; CD format; Eastern Conservation Science; The Nature Conservancy.

Anderson, M.G. 1999a. Viability and Spatial Assessment of Ecological Communities in the Northern Appalachian Ecoregion. PhD dissertation. Univ. of New Hampshire. 224 pp.


Published maps

Bruce, C., M.G. Anderson, M. Clark, J. Greene, J. Odell. Northwest Atlantic Marine Ecoregional Assessment. 2012. In ESRI Mapbook 27: 27. Online linkage.

Supporting literature frequently used by TNC scientists

Annear, T., I. Chisholm, H. Beecher, A. Locke, and 12 other authors. 2004. Instream Flows for Riverine Resource Stewardship, revised edition. Instream Flow Council, Cheyenne WY. Online pdf. ​

Comer, P., D. Faber-Langendoen, R. Evans, S. Gawler, C. Josse, G. Kittel, S. Menard, M. Pyne, M. Reid, K. Schulz, K. Snow, and J. Teague. Ecological Systems of the United States: A Working Classification of U.S. Terrestrial Systems. 2003. NatureServe, Arlington, Virginia. Download pdf (4.5mb).

Methods paper for how the landforms were developed (used to create Ecological Land Units). Download .doc. ​​​