The Jurisdictional Approaches to Green Development Learning Exchange brought together a wide range of government, private sector, and NGO experts from more than a dozen countries around the world to explore the way forward in making jurisdictional approaches to green growth successful. Co-hosted by The Nature Conservancy, the REDD+ Agency of Indonesia, the Ministry of Forestry of Indonesia and the Ministry of Marine Affairs of Indonesia, this learning exchange was a unique opportunity for practitioners, thought leaders and policy makers to come together to share their experiences, examine promising approaches to scaling up, and discuss common challenges.
“In these two days, the interchange of ideas and lessons learned will help provide excellent creative solution
s to one of the world’s most pressing environmental problems – deforestation and climate change. This is most timely as we are all aware that sustainability is increasingly becoming a high priority for governments, corporations, communities and non-governmental organizations all over the world.” - Mr Sawono Kusumaatmadja, former Indonesia Minister for the Environment.
“The jurisdiction can be a focus and the constituents of that jurisdiction, be it the local people or the businesses, if everyone worked together, I think it gives you an opportunity to find solutions which cannot be found otherwise.” - Phillip Wells, Daemeter
“It is really impressive the wide number of people that are really knowledgeable about sub-national jurisdictional approaches to conserving forests that you’ve been able to pull together here.” - Frances Seymour, Center for Global Development.
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short video. Download additional materials from the event
here. See presentations from the conference below.
Day 1: Tuesday, November 11th
Opening Plenary: Jurisdictional Approaches to Green Development
This plenary highlighted lessons-learned from a growing body of experience with jurisdictional programs, including the incentives for pursuing green development as well as the challenges and opportunities to improve effectiveness of jurisdictional green development programs and approaches.
Panel: Moderator: Greg Fishbein (TNC U.S.,) Heru Prasetyo (BP REDD+ Indonesia), Donna Lee (Consultant), Victor Galarreta (Interregional Amazonian Council, Peru).
Concurrent Sessions I
Integrating conservation and development planning at jurisdictional scale
In this session, we explored the challenges of jurisdictional planning and profiled some effective approaches to support government, companies, NGOs in bringing about genuine agreement of key stakeholders on landscape objectives and spatial conservation and development priorities.
Panel: Joe Kiesecker (TNC U.S.), Davaa Galbadrakh (TNC Mongolia), M. Sigit Widodo (Green Prosperity Project, MCA Indonesia)
Applying state-of-the art monitoring and accountability to green development
Using a large-scale, integrated example from Brazil and emerging examples from Mexico and Indonesia, this panel analyzed the critical elements necessary for achieving site-level compliance with green development goals and what countries can do to adapt these elements to the local context.
Panel: Lex Hovani (TNC U.S.), Marcio Sztutman (TNC Brazil), Ruandha Sugardiman (Ministry of Forestry, Indonesia), Leticia Gutiérrez Lorandi (TNC Mexico)
Jurisdictional Approach (JA) to REDD+ in Indonesia
Indonesia has long emphasized its “national approach with sub-national implementation” and has been formulating this into a “jurisdictional approach” that has become the organizing concept for REDD+ that links national, provincial, and district-level efforts. In this session, BP REDD+ and key partners outlined this approach and explained how it has been rolled out in key provinces, programs, and demonstration areas.
Panel: Wahjudi Wardojo (TNC Indonesia), Iwan Wibisono (BP REDD+ Indonesia), Basah Hernowo (Indonesia National Planning Agency), Werner Kornexl (World Bank), Chris Stephens (GGGI), Muhammad Sa’bani (East Kalimantan Government)
Concurrent Sessions II
Village green development planning
This session showcased examples from Indonesia, Brazil, and PNG where systematic planning methodologies have enabled communities to envision their future, assert their interests in natural resource planning processes and decisions, and achieve improvements in well-being while protecting forests and other important natural capital. The session also explored the characteristics of these approaches as well as the enabling conditions necessary to scale up across jurisdictions to benefit local communities while also making REDD+, related protection efforts, and sustainable commodity systems more effective.
Panel: Herlina Hartanto (TNC Indonesia), Eduardo Barnes (TNC Brazil), Clement Kipa (TNC Papa New Guinea), William Sabandar (BP REDD+ Indonesia)
Jurisdictional-scale carbon accounting: evaluating options
In this session, panelists outlined an approach that countries and/or jurisdictional programs can use to harness global datasets, and showed examples of the approach in Democratic Republic of the Congo and Indonesia. The session also demonstrated robust ways to evaluate accuracy of global datasets and overall jurisdictional carbon accounting systems.
Panel: Bronson Griscom (TNC U.S.), Fred Stolle (WRI), Professor Rizaldi Boer (CCROM), Peter Ellis (TNC U.S.), Belinda Margono (Ministry of Forestry, Indonesia), Naomi Swickard (VCS)
Discussion on comparative study on jurisdictional green development
TNC has been developing a meta-analysis of emerging jurisdictional REDD+ and/or sustainable landscape programs. A draft set of insights and recommendations was produced by the authors of the study who, during this session, facilitated a discussion with interested stakeholders about key barriers/challenges to success, key opportunities going forward, and support and incentives needed to succeed both in the near and longer term.
Led by: Donna Lee (Independent Consultant), Greg Fishbein (TNC U.S.), Nicole DeMello (TNC U.S.)
Day 2 – Wednesday, November 12th
Plenary II
Jurisdictional Approaches to Sustainable Commodity Production
This session explored the potential for coordinated multi-stakeholder initiatives - involving government, private sector, local communities and civil society - to change commodity production systems at jurisdictional scales, and to produce the commodities needed in quantities demanded by consumers, while at the same time protecting key natural capital and respecting the rights, institutions and aspirations of local communities.
Panel: Gary Paoli (Daemeter Consulting), Marcio Sztutman (TNC Brazil), Frances Seymour (Center for Global Development/Packard Foundation), Stefanus Indrayana (Indofood Sukses Makmur)
Concurrent Sessions III
Catalyzing improved forest management by measuring climate benefits
In this session, we learned about new methods for cost-effectively and accurately measuring reductions in greenhouse gas emissions from improved forest management by using a “performance standard” approach. The session also explored how this sort of system could be developed at scale to create meaningful positive incentives for improved forest management.
Panel: Hamilton Hardman (TNC U.S.), Ari Wibowo (Ministry of Forestry, Indonesia), Professor Soeyitno Soedirman (Mulawarman University), Bronson Griscom (TNC U.S.), Art Klassen (Tropical Forest Foundation), Hamzah (Head of KPH Berau Barat).
Balancing objectives in palm oil development: analysis, piloting, and policy dialogue to support industry transformation
Over the last several years, a large number of leading companies along the supply chain have made commitments to reduce or even eliminate deforestation in their operations. There is a growing recognition that a durable solution will require integration with government regulatory frameworks, equitable terms for local communities, and full-industry participation. This session showcased efforts to work across scales to support transformation of the palm oil industry, from site level to national level, and to link sustainable commodity efforts with REDD+.
Panel: Lex Hovani (TNC Indonesia), Skye Glenday (CPI), Mas Achmad Santosa (President’s Office), Mukti Sardjono (Ministry of Agriculture, Indonesia), Tiur Rumondang (Indonesia Chamber of Commerce)
Plenary III
Leveraging and Aligning Financing for Jurisdictional Approaches to Green Development
This session provided an overview of financing options to support green development approaches and review some emerging experiences in funding jurisdictional programs from the perspective of government, private sector, and NGOs.
Panel: Jane Wilkinson (CPI), Agus Sari (BP REDD+ Indonesia), Agnes J. Safford (Greenworks Asia), Representative (Ministry of Finance, Indonesia)*, Leticia Gutiérrez Lorandi (TNC Mexico)
Concurrent Sessions IV
Making results-based financing agreements work: critical next steps
This session presented the state of play for results-based financing agreements and addressed key questions including: What are the key challenges for countries to reach results-based finance agreements for jurisdictional emission reductions? How can these be overcome, including non-carbon based or “proxy” approaches? What can we learn from other examples of results-based aid in other sectors? How do the different approaches (FCPF; BIOCF; REM) compare to each other? What are the prospects for substantial results-based financing post-2015?
Panel: Moderator: Duncan Marsh (TNC U.S.), Nancy Birdsall (Center for Global Development), Nur Masripatin (BP REDD+ Indonesia), Marte Nordseth (Government of Norway).
Taking community-level green development to scale
In this session, we examined several examples of communities that have achieved sustained improvements in well-being, in partnership with key stakeholders including NGOs and private companies, in order to identify key success factors and enabling conditions that will allow us to achieve sustainable impacts at scale.
Panel: Moderator: Nicole DeMello (TNC U.S.), Richard McNally (SNV), Erica Pohnan (Health in Harmony), Sébastien Proust (TNC Mexico), Rodrigo Freire (TNC Brazil)
Closing Plenary
Getting to Scale in Green Development
This session brought together thought leaders from government, private sector, and civil society to help frame the key insights from the conference, the top priorities into the future, and ways that key stakeholders create a stronger innovation ecosystem to develop the solutions needed for taking green development to scale.
Panel: Justin Adams (TNC Europe), Putera Prathama (Ministry of Forestry, Indonesia), Tom Heller (CPI),