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TNC-LANDFIRE Team Publications


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Swaty R, Blankenship K, Hall KR, Smith J, Dettenmaier M, Hagen S. Assessing Ecosystem Condition: Use and Customization of the Vegetation Departure Metric. Land. 2022; 11(1):28.

Blankenship K., R. Swaty, K. R. Hall, S. Hagen, K. Pohl, A. Shlisky Hunt, J. Patton, L. Frid, and J. Smith. 2021. Vegetation dynamics models: a comprehensive set for natural resource assessment and planning in the United States. Ecosphere 12(4):e03484. 10.1002/ecs2.3484

Blankenship, K., J. Smith, R. Swaty, A. Shlisky, J. Patton and S. Hagen. 2012. Modeling on the Grand Scale: LANDFIRE Lessons Learned. In: Kerns, B.K.; Shlisky, A. and C.J. Daniel (tech. eds.) Proceedings of the First Landscape State-and-Transition Simulation Modeling Conference, June 14–16, 2011. Portland, Oregon. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-869. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station: 43-56.

Blankenship,  K., A. Beauchaine, D. Helmbrecht and J. Patton. Updating LANDFIRE Fuel Data Assists Local Planning Efforts. 2017. Wildfire Magazine. May-June 2017. 24-25. Internally produced PDF.  Article and links on Conservation Gateway.

Blankenship, K., L. Frid and J. Smith. A state-and-transition simulation modeling approach for estimating the historical range of variability. 2015. AIMS Environmental Science 2(2): 253-268. doi: 10.3934/environsci.2015.2.253. 

Blankenship, K., L. Provencher, L. Frid, C. Daniel and J. Smith. 2013. Human Dimensions of State-and-Transition Simulation Model Applications to Support Decisions in Wildland Fire Management. p 28-33 In: Fox, R. L., ed. Proceedings of 3rd Human Dimensions of Wildland Fire Conference, 17-19 April 2012. Seattle, WA. International Association of Wildland Fire. 

Ferdaña, Z., and Patton, J. (eds.) 2019. Geospatial Conservation at The Nature Conservancy: 2019 Annual Reportand Map Book. November 2019. Arlington, VA: The Nature Conservancy.

Haugo, R., C. Zanger, T. DeMeo, C. Ringo, Ayn Shlisky, K. Blankenship,  M. Simpson, K.Mellen-McLean, J. Kertis and M.  Stern. 2015. A new approach to evaluate forest structure restoration needs across Oregon and Washington, USA. Forest Ecology and Management 335: 37-50. Webinar

Kaufmann, M., A. Shlisky and P. Marchand. 2005. Good Fire, Bad Fire: How to think about forest land management and ecological processes. 2005. The Nature Conservancy, the USDA Forest Service, and the Department of the Interior.

McKerrow, A., J. Smith and F. Fay. Coming Together for an All-Lands Dataset to Support Wildfire and Wildlife Conservation Planning. 2015. North American Bird Conservation Initiative E-Newsletter All-Bird Bulletin. Spring 2015: 9-13.

Nixon, K., J. Silbernagel, J. Price, N. Miller and R. Swaty. 2014. Habitat availability for multiple avian species under modeled alternative conservation scenarios in the Two Hearted River watershed in Michigan. USA Journal for Nature Conservation 22(4): 302-317.

Patton, J. LANDFIRE in the Intermountain West. 2018. Utah Forest News. 23(2): 1-3.

Pohl, K., T. Schulz, E. Strenge, M. Babler and A. Shlisky. October 2005. Dynamic Vegetation Modeling: Driving Management Changes Today by Looking into the Past and Future. In: Proceedings of Society of American Foresters National Convention. Ft. Worth, TX. October 19-23, 2005. 10 pp.

Price, J., J. Silbernagel, N. Miller, R. Swaty, M. White and K. Nixon. 2012. Eliciting expert knowledge to inform landscape modeling of conservation scenarios. Ecological Modeling 229. 24 March 2012: 76-87.

Provencher, L., K. Blankenship, J. Smith, J. Campbell and M. Polly. 2009. Comparing Locally Derived and LANDFIRE Geo-Layers in the Great Basin, USA. Fire Ecology 5(2): 126-132. (Authors used locally derived maps of pre-European settlement vegetation patterns [BpS] and Fire Regime Condition Class data.)

Shlisky, A., J. Waugh, P. Gonzalez, M. Gonzalez, M. Manta, H. Santoso, E. Alvarado, A. Ainuddin Nuruddin, D.A. Rodríguez-Trejo, R. Swaty, D. Schmidt, M. Kaufmann, R. Myers, A. Alencar, F. Kearns, D. Johnson, J. Smith, D. Zollner and W. Fulks. 2007. Fire, Ecosystems and People: Threats and Strategies for Global Biodiversity Conservation. GFI Technical Report 2007-2. The Nature Conservancy. Arlington, VA.

Shlisky, A., K. Blankenship and S. M. Cochran. Simulating Treatment Effects in Pine-Oak Forests of the Ouachita Mountains.  In: Proceedings of the 4th Fire in Eastern Oak Forests Conference259-261. United States Department of Agriculture, US Forest Service Northern Research Station General Technical Report NRS-P-102. Poster.

Silbernagle, J., J. Price, R. Swaty and N. Mill. 2011. The Next Frontier: Projecting the Effectiveness of Broad-scale Forest Conservation Strategies. In: Landscape Ecology in Forest Management and Conservation: Challenges and Solutions for Global Change. February 2011. Springer (International Publisher, Science, Technology and Medicine) and China-based Higher Education Press, publishers.

Smith, J. L., R. Swaty, K. Blankenship, S. Hagen and J. Patton. 2014. LANDFIRE in the Appalachians. [Extended Abstract] In: Proceedings: Wildland Fire in the Appalachians: Discussions Among Managers and Scientists. Forest Service Research & Development, Southern Research Station General Technical Report SRS-199, September 2014. 129-131.

Swaty, R., K. Blankenship, S. Hagen, J. Fargione, J. Smith and J. Patton. 2011. Accounting for Ecosystem Alteration Doubles Estimates of Conservation Risk in the Conterminous United StatesPLoS ONE 6(8): e23002. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0023002. Related: The Nature Conservancy's "Cool Green Science" blog editorial comment on this report.

Swaty, R. 2010. LANDFIRE-based information for the Stone-Moss Mid-Scale Planning Unit: Hiawatha National Forest Collaboration between US Forest Service Region 9 staff and The Nature Conservancy in Wisconsin.

Swaty, R. 2010. LANDFIRE Data Support for the Raco Plains Mid-Scale Assessment: Great Lakes Region.  A landscape-scale perspective for the Raco Plains that explores the potential utility of LANDFIRE data and suggests opportunities in the Hiawatha NF.

Swaty, R., M. Haley, R. Deckert and C. Fehring. 2016. Mapping the potentialmycorrhizal associations of the conterminous United States of America. Fungal Ecology. Volume 24, Part B. December 2016. 139-147.

Swearingen, A., J. Price, J. Silbernagel, R. Swaty and N. Miller. 2015. State-and-transition simulation modeling to compare outcomes of alternative management scenarios under two natural disturbance regimes in a forested landscape in northeastern Wisconsin, USA. AIMS Press. doi:10.3934/environsci.2015.3.737.

Wilson, T., J. Costanza, J. Smith and J. Morisette. 2015. Second State-and-Transition Simulation Modeling Conference Review. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 96: 385–386.