Latest On The Conservation Gateway

A well-managed and operational Conservation Gateway is in our future! Marketing, Conservation, and Science have partnered on a plan to rebuild the Gateway into the organization’s enterprise content management system (AEM), with a planned launch of a minimal viable product in early FY26. If you’re interested in learning more about the project, reach out to for more info!

Welcome to Conservation Gateway

The Gateway is for the conservation practitioner, scientist and decision-maker. Here we share the best and most up-to-date information we use to inform our work at The Nature Conservancy.

Recommended Strategic Plan for maintaining favourable conservation status of Natura 2000 areas in the Axios Delta, Greece (2009-2013)

Vareltzidou, Stella; Strixner, Lena; Axious Loudias Aliakmonas Estuaries Management Authority

This is the management plan for the Axios Delta in Greece. The Axios Authority in Greece applied the Open Standards for the Practice of Conservation and Miradi in developing a Strategic Plan for the Axios Delta protected area.  The planning process was supported by Foundations of Success and Eurosite. The Miradi file includes a comprehensive conceptual model (use Tag check boxes to focus on individual threats) and nine Results Chains.