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The Gateway is for the conservation practitioner, scientist and decision-maker. Here we share the best and most up-to-date information we use to inform our work at The Nature Conservancy.

Summary Report Supporting the Development of Ecosystem Flow Recommendations for the Savannah River below Thurmond Dam

Meyer, Judy ; Alber, Merryl ; Duncan, Will ; Freeman, Mary ; Hale, Cody ; Jackson, Rhett ; Jennings, Cecil ; Palta, Monica ; Richardson, Elizabeth ; Sharitz, Rebecca ; Sheldon, Joan; Weyers, Richard

This report was prepared to provide background information for participants in a workshop convened to develop science-based flow recommendations for Thurmond Dam that will enhance ecological conditions in ecosystems of the Savannah River below the dam. In the report we explore the extent of hydrologic alteration and the ecosystem flow requirements for the following reaches of the river: Augusta Shoals, Savannah River and floodplain below Augusta, and the estuary. Flow is clearly not the only regulator of ecosystem condition in these reaches; hence we have attempted to put flows into the context of other anthropogenic factors influencing ecosystem condition.