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Water Funds: Conserving Green Infrastructure. A Guide for Design, Creation and Operation

Calvache, Alejandro; Benitez, Silvia; Ramos, Aurelio

This manual is an effort by TNC, FEMSA Foundation, IDB and GEF to compile, analyze and synthesize its own experience with Water Funds, together with that of the projects already in existence and under creation, in order to provide operational guidelines to people and organizations interested in establishing a water fund or similar mechanism.

Each location has different ecologi­cal, social, economic, legal and institutional features and, therefore, each water fund will have its own characteris­tics, phases and projections. This manual presents gen­eral guidelines and logical steps that must be followed to boost the opportunities and benefits of a water fund and to minimize possible obstacles for its creation. It is not intended to be an in-depth look at every aspect of water funds.

Although TNC participates in several other initiatives and similar approaches to watershed manage­ment, such as the water producers program in Brazil, this document will not address those initiatives and will only focus on the water funds schemes as they have been developed in the Andean region.