Latest On The Conservation Gateway

A well-managed and operational Conservation Gateway is in our future! Marketing, Conservation, and Science have partnered on a plan to rebuild the Gateway into the organization’s enterprise content management system (AEM), with a planned launch of a minimal viable product in early FY26. If you’re interested in learning more about the project, reach out to for more info!
Maps | Targets | Spatial data | Appendices

​The ecoregion consists of a glaciated irregular plain composed of sandy till and modified by coastal processes in NJ, DE, NY, RI, CT, MA, NH, ME and a tiny piece of PA. Kames, kettle holes, drumlins and reworked terminal moraines are typical features. Entirely below 600 ft., the region boasts extensive marine and estuarine habitats including salt marshes, beach dune and barrier island systems, fresh and brackish tidal marshes. Inland forest types include coastal pine-oak forests, and oak-beech-holly forest.

Ecoregion at a Glance

  • Total acres =  7,365,363 acres 
  • 60% Natural Cover
  • 3% GAP 1-2, 11% GAP 3
  • 87% Unsecured
  • Converted to protected ratio: 16:1
  • 120 Endemic species
  • 1,900 Portfolio target occurrences

  • Targets

    Species and Ecosystems:
    Methods used to assess plant and animal conservation targets, including target selection, goal setting, and viability assessment (downloads as a pdf). Species selected for the portfolio are in the plan report's species results section (pdf). For detailed tabular data, please see the appendices section of this page.

    Terrestrial ecosystems and communities:
    Methods used to assess community conservation targets, including target selection, goal setting, and viability assessment (downloads as a pdf). Communities selected for the portfolio are in the plan report's terrestrial ecosystems and communities results section (pdf).
    Download the details on ecosystem modeling here.
    For detailed tabular data, please see the appendices section of this page.

    Matrix forests:
    Methods used to develop and assess matrix-forming ecosystem conservation targets (downloads as a pdf). Matrix forest examples selected for the portfolio are in the plan report's matrix-forming ecosystem results section (pdf). Ecological Land Units (ELUs) are introduced in the methods chapter, but without much technical description. Read more about ELUs in the supplementary metadata for systems30 raster data (download as a Microsoft Word doc). For more detailed tabular data, please see the appendices section of this page.

    Aquatic systems:
    Methods used to develop and assess aquatic ecosystem conservation targets (downloads as a pdf). Aquatic systems selected for the portfolio are in the plan report's aquatic results section (download pdf). For more detailed tabular data, please see the appendices section of this page.

    Spatial data

    Download all NAC spatial data in one zip file here (233mb).

    Dataset name Definition
    Vector Data
    county-coast100 Coastline and counties.
    ecoregions Ecoregion boundaries for the Eastern U.S. Source TNC ECS, based on USFS subsections and Natural Heritage Program.
    es-coves Cove ecosystems.
    es-freshwet-forest Portfolio ecosystems - freshwater forests.
    es-riparian Portfolio ecosystems - riparian areas.
    es-rockyshore Portfolio ecosystem - rocky shores.
    es-steep Portfolio ecosystems - steep slopes.
    es-summit Portfolio ecosystems - summit ecosystems.
    es-tidalmarsh Portfolio ecosystems - tidal marshes.
    portaqua-i4321h8fwe Portfolio aquatic systems on size 1, 2, 3, and 4 streams.
    port-migfish-runs Portfolio migratory fish runs.
    size1-tidal Size 1 tidal portfolio streams.
    size1tidal-rf3 Size 1 portfolio tidal streams on the rf3 network.
    size1tidal-sheds Size 1 tidal stream watersheds.
    subm-aq-veg Submerged aquatic vegetation.
    subsections Ecosystem subsections.
    unfragblks Unfragmented matrix blocks.
    Raster Data
    ELUs Ecological Land Units.
    NED National elevation dataset.



    Tables download as Microsoft Excel files.

    Species tables:
    Summary of selection criteria for targets (download)
    Species target goals and distribution (download)
    Species target maps (pdf download)

    Communities tables:
    Summary of selection criteria for targets (download)

    Matrix tables:
    Matrix forest target tables are pdfs. See all matrix block reports in one pdf document.

    Aquatic tables:
    Summary of selection criteria for targets (download xls)
    TNC portfolio river migratory runs (download xls)
    Tidal creek analysis methods (download doc)
    LNE and NAC Hudson portfolio justifications (download xls)
    LNE and NAC New Hampshire coastal portfolio justifications (download doc)
    Migratory fish data (download xls)
    Delaware freshwater ecoregional target selection process (download doc)
    Size 1 targets (download xls)

    Other supplementary data:
    Biocontrol threat to Lepidoptera
    Data limitations

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