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A well-managed and operational Conservation Gateway is in our future! Marketing, Conservation, and Science have partnered on a plan to rebuild the Gateway into the organization’s enterprise content management system (AEM), with a planned launch of a minimal viable product in early FY26. If you’re interested in learning more about the project, reach out to for more info!
Maps | Spatial data | Appendices

In 1998, The Nature Conservancy identified the St. Lawrence – Champlain Valley Ecoregion as distinct from the larger Great Lakes Ecoregion, of which it had formerly been a part, based on the area’s unique patterns of vegetation, climate, hydrology and a more complete consideration of the Canadian portion. From mountain streams to the deltas and marshes that line the shores of the St. Lawrence River and Lake Champlain, this ecoregion is defined in a large part by the waters flowing through it and the relationship between the aquatic features and the land.


• STL Glacial Marine Plain 212Ea
• STL Till Plain 212Eb
• STL Glacial Lake Plain 212Ee
• Black River Valley 222Ob
• Champlain Glacial Lake and Marine Plains 212Ec
• Champlain Hills 212Ed


The maps are available as a high-resolution pdf download.

Aquatic systems (
Bedrock geology entire ecoregion (pdf)
Bedrock geology US only (pdf)
Matrix forest blocks US only (pdf)
ELUs US only (pdf)
ELUs ful ecoregion (pdf)
Landcover (pdf)
Aquatic portfolio (pdf)

Spatial data

Download all the spatial GIS data in a zip file here.

Vector Data

aquaport524 Aquatic portfolio data on the RF3 flowlines.
block801 Major road-bounded blocks.
cerclis CERCLIS.
counties County outlines for the STL ecoregion.
dams NID dams.
dws Drinking water supply areas.
ecoregions Ecoregional boundaries.
edu Ecological drainage units, used to develop the aquatic portfolio.
gnis Geographic index of place names.
ifd Industrial waste areas.
lakes Lake polygons.
matrixblks Matrix forest blocks.
mgd-areas Managed areas by TNC.
mines Mines.
pcs Point sources of pollution.
qsurf Surficial geology.
rf3-stl-d2 RF3 flowlines for size 2 rivers.
rf3-stl-d3 RF3 flowlines for size 3 rivers.
stlshed-d1 Size 1 watersheds.
stlshed-d2 Size 2 watersheds.
Stlshed-d2cond Size 2 watersheds condition data.
stlshed-d3 Size 3 watersheds.
subsections Subsection boundaries of this ecoregion.

Raster Data

zipeddem30 Digital Elevation Model (DEM) at 30m pixel size.
zippedelu Ecological Land Units (ELU), used as part of the portfolio creation.


Click the following links to download tables from the appendices of the full report.
​​​​Appendix A plant targets (xls)
​​​​Appendix B animal targets (xls)
​​​​Appendix B2 (xls)
​​​​Appendix C Terrestrial Community targets x-walk (xls)
​​​​Appendix E matrix block table (xls)
​​​​Appendix F2 non-aquatic portfolio by EO code (xls)
Appendix F3 aquatic portfolio by site (xls)
Aquatic classification with key tables and apps (pdf)
Aquatic portfolio final report (pdf)
Condition of size 1 streams (dbf)
Condition of size 2 streams (dbf)
Condition of size 3 streams (dbf)
Glossary (pdf)

 Key Resources