Standard 3: Have work plans, content, and products peerreviewed.
Peer-review is an important process to strengthen the assessment/vision process and products. Peer-review creates opportunities to make results more scientifically rigorous, comprehensive, appropriately presented and available to support implementation.
Recommended Products
Participation by ecoregional assessment/vision teams early in their process in a peerreview workshop. This review will result in a formal document ("contract") among peers stating next steps to strengthen the process and products.
Outreach for peer-review and participation in peer-review in all phases of work.
Documentation of how peer-review (through formal workshops, one-on-one interactions and other means) was accomplished.
Present final assessment/vision for peer-review to organizational core-support teams. This review will evaluate the assessment/vision in relation to standards, identify gaps, comment on potential successes and limitations of the assessment/vision in supporting conservation, and propose priorities and next steps to strengthen it.n of the extent and degree of success of partner and stakeholder engagement.
Part of the Ecoregional Assessment Toolbox -- a guidance document supporting TNC's Ecoregional Assessement approach for priority setting.