Latest On The Conservation Gateway

A well-managed and operational Conservation Gateway is in our future! Marketing, Conservation, and Science have partnered on a plan to rebuild the Gateway into the organization’s enterprise content management system (AEM), with a planned launch of a minimal viable product in early FY26. If you’re interested in learning more about the project, reach out to for more info!

The Oregon Forest Program:

Fire has been an integral part of Oregon’s iconic forests for millennia—specifically the ponderosa and mixed-conifer forests of the southwest, central and eastern part of the state—some 19.5 million acres in all. In a mosaic of patches large and small, lightning-ignited fires burned every 10-20 years or so, usually burning low-to-the-ground with small flare-ups of more severe fire. Each burn consumed fuel, enriched soils and ensured the vitality of the forest and the plants and wildlife that relied on it.

The last century of management disrupted this natural, healthy cycle. Logging that focused on taking large fire-resistant trees, fire suppression, and livestock grazing have changed some 8.1 million acres of these fire-adapted forests into stands that today are vulnerable to megafire. These forests are now in dire need of restoration.

Restoring these forests—through ecologically-based thinning and controlled burns—will ensure the health of these lands to support improved community safety, jobs, forest product, recreation, clean water, and plant and wildlife habitat.

The Oregon Forest Program is a collaborative effort among The Nature Conservancy and dozens of partners in the public and private sectors to use science, community engagement and innovation to increase the quality, pace, and scale to restore these remarkable forests around the state​.

Where we work:


Oregon Forest Team:

Pete Caligiuri
Director, OR Forest Initiative

Craig Bienz
Director Sycan Marsh Program

Darren Borgias
Director SW Oregon Program

Kerry Metlen, Ph.D
Forest Ecologist— SW Oregon

Kaci Radcliffe
Forest Ecologist—NE Oregon

Thomas Stokely
Forest Ecologist—Central Oregon