Title: Methods and results for big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata) and 2015 wildfire extent model for estimating the available habitat for sagebrush sparrows (Artemisiospiza nevadensis) on the Boardman Conservation Area, Boardman, Oregon.
Below: The mapped extent of big sagebrush that was burned in the June 2015 wildfire on the Boardman Conservation Area. Different colors represent different techniques for evaluating wildfire effects.
In June of 2015 a wildfire burned across the Boardman Conservation Area (BCA). The wildfire burned through several large stands of sagebrush including the one with the only Sage Sparrow territory found that year. We wanted to assess how much sagebrush was lost across the whole property and be able to prioritize areas for future restoration. You can find our methods in the report on the right side panel.
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