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Sage-Grouse Breeding Density Areas: Maps and Tools

Jeffrey Evans, The Nature Conservancy  


The content below is owned by the Bureau of Land Management and was developed in partnership with The Nature Conservancy and other partners. Visit BLM's Sage-Grouse program.

Full Report: Mapping breeding densities of greater sage-grouse: A tool for range-wide conservation planning. Doherty, K.E., J.D. Tack, J.S. Evans, D.E. Naugle (2010). Bureau of Land Management. Report Number: L10PG00911.


11" x 8.5" PDF-format maps of Sage-Grouse WAFWA Management Zones at 25%, 50% 75% and 100% breeding densities.

1. Map of Sage-Grouse WAFWA Management Zone I breeding densities.

2. Map of Sage-Grouse WAFWA Management Zone II breeding densities.

3. Map of Sage-Grouse WAFWA Management Zone III breeding densities.

4. Map of Sage-Grouse WAFWA Management Zone IV breeding densities.

5. Map of Sage-Grouse WAFWA Management Zone V breeding densities 

6. Map of Sage-Grouse WAFWA Management Zone VI breeding densities 

7. Map of Sage-Grouse WAFWA Management Zone VII breeding densities 

8. Range-wide breeding densities

ESRI File Geodatabases 

Compressed ESRI file geodatabases of Sage-Grouse range-wide 25%, 50% 75% and 100% breeding densities.                               Reference: Doherty, K., D. E. Naugle, H. Copeland, A. Pocewicz, and J. M. Kiesecker. 2010. Energy development and conservation trade-offs: Systematic planning for sage-grouse in their eastern range. Studies in Avian Biology. Available on-line at: (paper #22).

1. WAFWA Management Zone I Sage-Grouse breeding densities

2. WAFWA Management Zone II Sage-Grouse breeding densities

3. WAFWA Management Zone III Sage-Grouse breeding densities

4. WAFWA Management Zone IV Sage-Grouse breeding densities

5. WAFWA Management Zone V Sage-Grouse breeding densities

6. WAFWA Management Zone VI Sage-Grouse breeding densities

7. WAFWA Management Zone VII Sage-Grouse breeding densities

8. Range-wide breeding densities


A model to calculate Sage-grouse breeding density areas. The toolbox was tested in ArcGIS 9.3.1 and last modified February 2011.

To install: 1) Uncompress zip file to ArcGIS install toolbox location. (e.g., C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\ArcToolBox) 2) Open ArcMap or ArcCatalog and open ArcToolbox (Window Menu > ArcToolbox). 3) In Arctoolbox right click on ArcToolbox (top of tree) and select "Add Toolbox". 4) Navigate to location where you uncompressed zip file and select "Breeding Density" toolbox (located in" Breeding Density Areas Arc9.3" Toolbox directory). 5) In ArcToolbox expand Breeding Density toolbox and right click on "Breeding Density Model" and select "properties" in the context menu. 6) Under the "source" tab click on the directory button and navigate to location of toolbox. Select "" file and OK. You can then close pop-up box. This set the path to the Python model. 7) In ArcToolbox right click ArcToolbox and select Save Settings > To Default.
Authors: Doherty, Kevin E., Evans, Jeffrey S., Landguth, Erin L., Albeke, Shannon
The new R code is more stable and faster. The Python code is not transferable across versions of ArcGIS, is slow and is not very stable. The input is a point shapefile with a field indicating species counts. Users could also use a flat file with x,y coordinates and counts but would need to coerce it into an sp spatialPointsDataFrame object before passing it to the model. Please read the header for information on model use.
Reference: Bureau of Land Management Report Number L10PG00911

Contact: Jeffrey Evans, Senior Landscape Ecologist, Development by Design, The Nature Conservancy.