Lead author Kathleen Navarro took part in the fall 2014 Klamath River TREX, where she collected the data for this work. The poster was awarded “Best of Session” at the student poster session of the 2015 American Industrial Hygiene Association annual conference.
Poster Abstract
Gas-Phase Polycyclic Aromatic
Hydrocarbon Exposure during Prescribed Fire
Navarro, J. Balmes, and S.K. Hammond, University of California, Berkeley,
Berkeley, CA
Background: Wildland firefighters work in
high smoke exposure conditions with little to no respiratory protection. Wood
smoke contains many hazardous air pollutants, including polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons (PAHs). PAHs have been associated with increased cancer risk and
immune dysfunction. Past studies have demonstrated that open-air burning of
wood generates more gas-phase PAHs such as naphthalene (NAP), phenanthrene
(PHE), and fluorene than particulate-phase PAHs.
Objective: To assess levels of gas phase
PAHs during prescribed burns in mixed conifer forests and chaparral near Orleans,
Methods: Gas-phase PAHs were measured for
five days in duplicate on one individual while patrolling the fire perimeter (holding),
igniting the prescribed fire (firing), and extinguishing burning material
post-fire (mop-up) during prescribed burns. Personal PAH air samples (N=10)
were collected using actively sampled XAD sorbent tubes sampled at 0.2 L/min
for 5 to 12 hours. Sorbent tubes were attached to the front shoulder strap of a
backpack that was worn during each prescribed fire. Samples were analyzed for
NAP, PHE, acenaphthene, acenaphthylene, anthracene, fluoranthene, fluorene,
pyrene, and retene. Sample media was extracted with dichloromethane and
analyzed on a gas chromatograph with a mass selective detector.
Results: Of the 9 PAHs that were measured, mean concentrations of NAP and PHE
were consistently above detection limits. NAP and PHE were highest while firing
and holding on the same day (NAP= 2280 μg/m3; PHE = 160 μg/m3). Mean
concentrations of NAP and PHE were higher during firing (NAP=1480 μg/m3; PHE=110
μg/m3) compared to holding (NAP=760 μg/m3; PHE = 42 μg/m3) and lowest during
mop-up (NAP=580 μg/m3; PHE=60 μg/m3).
Conclusion: The levels of NAP and PHE measured in this study were significantly
higher than those measured in previous studies of wildland firefighters. It is
important to characterize exposures from wildland fires to better understand
any potential long-term health effects.