Web-Hosted Applications Map (WHAM!) -- Your
LANDFIRE application belongs here!
LANDFIRE WHAM! is an online, interactive map that calls up many of the applications, their locations, and the partners we work with. It’s easy as point–and–click! Hover over a “point,” click on it, and learn how LANDFIRE products helped land managers meet their planning objectives.
Users can search applications by region and/or category: Carbon and Climate, Water and Natural Resources, Wildland Fire and Smoke, Wildlife, and "other." (A
table of the listings offers an overview by state.)
LANDFIRE wants to know where our suite of data products are being used, both currently and in the past, so that we can continue to evolve the WHAM! To that end, we have developed a short, six-field Excel spreadsheet and hope that you will add YOUR specific data application to the map. Give LANDFIRE 10 minutes of your time and get on the map!
On the spreadsheet:
Name of project
Project type: Plans (FMP, LMP, etc.), Evaluations, Assessments, Analyses, NEPA (EIS, EA, CX), etc.
Data products used
Version of LANDFIRE
Comments, information that you would like to add.
Much appreciated -- The TNC-LANDFIRE team.