Latest On The Conservation Gateway

A well-managed and operational Conservation Gateway is in our future! Marketing, Conservation, and Science have partnered on a plan to rebuild the Gateway into the organization’s enterprise content management system (AEM), with a planned launch of a minimal viable product in early FY26. If you’re interested in learning more about the project, reach out to for more info!


CLICK HERE for Macro Review website.




Read about BpS review and "macro" review below

​Building on the momentum generated during LANDFIRE’s Biophysical Settings (BpS) review project, a new option to look at larger areas is now available.

As most land managers and ecologists know, many BpS types span large areas (e.g., Intermountain Sagebrush shrublands), thus necessitating regional variants. The “macro review” is designed to facilitate an examination of how LANDFIRE BpS models and descriptions relate to one another across large geographies.

The LANDFIRE team is asking for feedback on the current collection of variants for selected BpS groups so as to address questions such as, “Do the selected BpS models, as a group, reflect environmental factors such as moisture gradients or topography?”

Right now macro-review opportunities are available for two key sagebrush ecosystems:

Together these BpS cover more than 90 million acres of the western landscape, and expert review is needed to determine if the model variants represent the full ecological variation for the BpS and that they are logically consistent.

A macro-review for key Appalachian BpS will be posted online soon. Individuals interested in macro-review of prairie ecosystems in the central U.S. or northern hardwood BpS can contact Randy Swaty for more information.

The LANDFIRE BpS Review site offers more details and examples of the process and findings.

Contact Kori Blankenship for more details

Photo ©Ron Semrod