Latest On The Conservation Gateway

A well-managed and operational Conservation Gateway is in our future! Marketing, Conservation, and Science have partnered on a plan to rebuild the Gateway into the organization’s enterprise content management system (AEM), with a planned launch of a minimal viable product in early FY26. If you’re interested in learning more about the project, reach out to for more info!
Flip flops

​LANDFIRE went outdors in summer 2016 to interview three constituents who are using our tools and data in their work. We sent post cards ....

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June post card: In the Field with Margit Bucher

Margit is a founder and current board member of the North Carolina Prescribed Fire Council, and co-lead for the Southern Blue Ridge Fire Learning Network. She oversees the fire management program on 50,000 acres of Nature Conservancy lands in North Carolina.

July post card: In the Field with Matt Reeves

Matt is a Research Ecologist with the Human Dimensions Program headquartered at the Rocky Mountain Research Station in Montana.

August post card: In the Field with Jordan Long

Jordan is a remote sensing scientist with Stinger Ghaffarian Technologies (SGT, Inc.), Technical Support Services Contractor to the US Geological Survey Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.