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A well-managed and operational Conservation Gateway is in our future! Marketing, Conservation, and Science have partnered on a plan to rebuild the Gateway into the organization’s enterprise content management system (AEM), with a planned launch of a minimal viable product in late 2024. If you’re interested in learning more about the project, reach out to for more info!

2014 Marine Aggregation: Ocean Solutions - Integrated Ocean Management Sessions


Topics related to the Ocean Solutions – Integrated Ocean Management marine global priority and efforts to leverage local, national and regional scale progress for global outcomes. Sessions within this stream include topics such as: global and regional policy and partnerships, ecosystem services, marine spatial planning, habitat conservation and restoration and coral reef conservation approaches.

IOM1:  Future of Marine Spatial Planning

Presenters: Paul Dye, Shawn Margles, Petra MacGowan, and Zach Ferdana,  Jorge Brenner, William Atu, Nirari Cardenas, Gwynn Crichton, Annick Cros, Aurora Justiniano,  Alison Green, John Knowles, Alfonso Lombana, Julie Robinson, Charles

Steinback, Alan White
Description: Marine Spatial Planning is proving to be a key pathway for establishing
conservation priorities and managing conflicts among established and emerging use sectors. Participants in this session heard brief highlights from cutting edge practitioners who apply MSP in a variety of ways, then organized into topical break-out groups to discuss current development needs and future applications for this versatile tool.
Presentations | Session Summary | Graphic Facilitation Drawing

IOM2: Ecosystem Services as a Key to Habitat Conservation

Presenters: Mark Spalding, Boze Hancock, Judy Haner, Steve Schill, Pawan Patil and Jen Molnar
Description: Ecosystem services (ES) have become a defining mantra in conservation. We are expecting to drive a step change in the policies and practices of multiple new constituencies, by building a compelling case for the value of nature. One key element to success will be improving the science base, and putting such detailed and reliable quantification to work in changing practices and policies across multiple sectors. This session explored new work to better quantify, map and model a range of ecosystem services in temperate and tropical ecosystems, and how it is starting to influence industry, local planning and international policy. It will also use the work being developed under the newly funded Ocean Wealth Mapping program to explore needs and priorities. Participants engaged in discussion to provide input on ongoing and future work in this field, from field applications to global studies. 
Session Summary
Boze Hancock: Oyster Restoration Goal Setting | Presentation
Judy Haner: Living Shorelines | Presentation
Mark Spalding: Ecosystem Services as a key to habitat conservation | Presentation
Pawan Patil: Natural Capitol and Economic Decision Making | Presentation
Steve Schill: Ecosystem Services as Key to Habitat Conservation | Presentation

IOM3: From Floodplains to Coral Reefs:  A Discussion of the Critical Components of Habitat Restoration to Generate Impact and Get to Scale

Presenters: Boze Hancock, James Byrne, Eric Conklin, Chad Wiggins, Jenny Baker, Kemitt-Amon Lewis,  Metthea Yepsen,  Christine Pickens, and Amanda Wrona Meadows
Description:  Presenters showcased 8 ground-breaking habitat restoration projects from Washington to the USVI. Participants explored the commonalities among the diverse projects that contribute to the success of a restoration project, primarily: (1) using sound science for decision making, (2) translating scientific information as a tool to generate credibility, and (3) convening diverse partners and stakeholders around a common purpose. Participants will also heard how these projects are informing and contributing to TNCs strength in marine restoration.
References: Session Summary
From Floodplains to Coral Reefs: Restoration to Generate Impact And Get To Scale | Presentations

IOM4:   The Conservancy’s Global Coral Reef Strategy: A Discussion of Current Strategies and New Tactics

Presenters: Petra MacGowan, Kim Hum and Stephanie Wear.
Description: In this session, presenters shared the results of a recent assessment of coral reef conservation approaches being used by TNC, and learn about a series of workshops (Coral Reef Solution Series) designed to identify additional solutions and high leverage opportunities to tackle critical problems facing coral reefs.   Through these workshops three key areas for opportunity have been identified: 1) A New Narrative, 2) Improving Water Quality and 3) Food Security through sustainable fishing.  Session participants discussed and provided feedback on the newly proposed strategies including the identification of opportunities to move strategies forward.  The session ended with a brief summary of the next steps.
References: Session Summary | Graphic Facilitation Drawing

IOM5: Partnership in Action: What are the Bright Spots?

Presenters: Dominique Benzaken, Rob Brumbaugh, Diana Bermúdez, Trina Leberer, Pawan Patil, Eric Coppenger, Abdul Halim, and Philip Kramer
Description: Partnerships are widely accepted as innovative and effective means of achieving common objectives. This session will focused on large-scale global and regional partnerships The Nature Conservancy has been an active partner of, including the Global Partnership for Oceans (GPO), 50 in 10 Initiative for fisheries, the Micronesia Challenge, the Caribbean Challenge Initiative, and the Global Island Partnership (GLISPA). Speakers from the World Bank, RARE and TNC will provided their perspective of what are the essential ingredients of successful partnerships. Participants used their experience to explore what makes successful partnerships, challenges to partnering and the differences they make when organized effectively.
References:  Session Summary

IOM6:  Addressing Global Threats at Local Scales in Coral Reef Communities: Outcomes and Lessons Learned from 4 Years of the NOAA/CRCP Cooperative Partnership

Presenters: Petra MacGowan
Description: In March 2014 TNC will complete a four-year, $7 million partnership with NOAA’s Coral Reef Conservation Program (CRCP) to support our shared goals of effectively conserving valuable coral reef ecosystems through on-the-ground implementation activities and conservation science and planning.  Project leads from Micronesia, Hawaii, Florida, the USVI, Puerto Rico and the Reef Resilience Program presented on what has worked best in their approach to addressing major local threats to reefs and what has proved most challenging.  Participants discussed and offered ideas to address key implementation challenges encountered by the project leads.  Feedback given in this session will contribute to enhancing work being completed under a new two-year partnership.
References: Presentations Session Summary