In January, 2016, LANDFIRE launched a series of webinars in partnership with the Joint Fire Science Program's Fire Science Exchange Network and other collaborators. At the conclusion of "Webinar Season 2016," we had presented 16 lunch-and-learn sessions to nearly 800 attendees.
Below, you'll find links to abstracts (when available) and the "notes" versions of PDFs, as well as to each webinar's video recording. LANDFIRE's
Biophysical Settings Review and Macro Review were the main focus, though other topics were addressed as well. NOTE: Some may have been moved to the video archive. Please contact Jeannie Patton if you need a link.
The following list is
arranged by REGION.
Management Applications of the LANDFIRE Biophysical Settings Models in the California National Forests. Presented by Hugh Safford, USFS Regional Ecologist for the Pacific Southwest. Co-host is
California Fire Science Exchange.
PDF of presentation.
Video on YouTube. Region:
Demystifying LANDFIRE’s Biophysical Settings Descriptions and Models. Presented by LANDFIRE Fire Ecologist Kori Blankenship. Co-host is
California Fire Science Exchange.
PDF of presentation.
Video on YouTube. Region:
User Guide to Temporal Changes in LANDFIRE Vegetation, Fuel, and Fire Regime Products. Presenter is LANDFIRE FMI Technical Lead Donald Long (USFS Forest Service, RMRS Missoula Fire Lab), who responded to a request from
California Fire Science Exchange for a webinar on this topic.
PDF of presentation.
YouTube video recording. Region:
LANDFIRE’s Biophysical Settings Descriptions and Models in the Great Plains. Presented by LANDFIRE Fire Ecologist Kori Blankenship. Co-host is
Great Plains Fire Science Exchange.
PDF of presentation.
YouTube video recording. Region:
Great Plains
Fire Needs Assessments and
LANDFIRE: A Case Study. Presenter is Sarah Hagen, TNC-LANDFIRE spatial analyst. Co-host is
Tallgrass Prairie/Oak Savannah Fire Science Exchange.
PDF of presentation.
Video on YouTube. Region:
BpS Review in the Lake States Region: What it is. How it works. Why it matters. Presenter is TNC-LANDFIRE Ecologist Randy Swaty.
Co-host is
Lake States Fire Science Exchange.
PDF of the presentation.
Video on YouTube and
Adobe Connect. Region:
Lake States
LANDFIRE: What You Need to Know, and Why. Presented by LANDFIRE Program Manager Jim Smith. Co-host is the
Conservation Biology Institute.
Video on YouTube. Region:
From Pixels to Landscapes: Leveraging LANDFIRE for Land Management. Presented by Randy Swaty, LANDFIRE Fire Ecologist. Co-host is
Conservation Biology Institute.
Video on YouTube. Region:
The Biophysical Settings and Historic Fire Regimes of the North Atlantic. Presented by Randy Swaty, ecologist, TNC-LANDFIRE. Co-host is the
North Atlantic Fire Science Exchange.
PDF of the presentation.
Video on YouTube. Region:
North Atlantic
From Pixels to Landscapes: Leveraging LANDFIRE for Land Management. Presented by Randy Swaty, TNC-LANDFIRE ecologist.
Co-host is
Utah State University Forestry Extension.
Video on YouTube. Region:
Demystifying LANDFIRE’s Biophysical Settings Descriptions and Models in the Northern Rockies. Presenter is Jim Smith, TNC-LANDFIRE Program Manager. Co-host is
Northern Rockies Fire Science Exchange. PDF of presentation.
YouTube video recording. Region:
Northern Rocky Mountains
BpS Review in the Pacific Northwest: What is it? How does it work? Why does it matter? Presented by LANDFIRE Fire Ecologist. Co-host is
Northwest Fire Science Exchange.
PDF of presentation.
Video on YouTube. Region:
Pacific Northwest
LANDFIRE Update and Biophysical Settings Review: Why You Should Care. Presenter is LANDFIRE Project Manager Jim Smith.
Co-host is
Southern Fire Exchange.
PDF of presentation.
YouTube video recording. Region:
Southeast U.S.
LANDFIRE Update and Biophysical Settings Review: What it means to the Southern Rockies Region. Presenter is LANDFIRE Program Manager Jim Smith. Co-host is
Southern Rockies Fire Science Exchange.
PDF of presentation.
YouTube video recording. Region:
Southern Rocky Mountains
BpS Review: What is it? How does it work? Why does it matter? Presented by TNC-LANDFIRE ecologist Randy Swaty. Co-host is
Southwest Fire Science Exchange.
PDF of presentation.
Video on YouTube. Region:
Southwestern U.S.
Biophysical Settings Review in the Great Basin: What it is. How it works. Why it matters. Co-hosts are the
Great Basin Fire Science Exchange and the
Great Basin,
Great Northern and
Southern Rockies Landscape Conservation Cooperatives (LCCs). Presented by Kori Blankenship, LANDFIRE fire ecologist, with emphasis on the
Intermountain Basin Big Sagebrush Shrubland, and
Intermountain Basin Big Sagebrush Steppe ecosystems.
Video on YouTube. Regions:
Western U.S.