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Ecosystem-based adaptation in marine and coastal ecosystems. Hale, L. Z., Meliane, I., Davidson, S., Sandwith, T., Beck, M. W., J. Hoekstra, M. Spalding, S. Murawski, N. Cyr, K. Osgood, M. Hatziolos, P. Van Eijk, N. Davidson, W. Eichbaum, C. Dreus, D. Obura, J. Tamelander, D. Herr, C. McClennen, and P. Marshal. (2009)
Designing marine protected area networks to address the impacts of climate change. Mcleod, E., R. Salm, A. Green, and J. Almany. (2009)
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Coral and Shellfish Reefs
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Building an expert-judgement based model of mangrove fisheries value. Hutchinson, J. Philipp D.P., Claussen J.E., Aburto-Oropeza O., Carrasquilla-Henao M., Castellanos-Gallindo G.A., Costa M., Daneshgar P.D., Hartmann H.J., Juanes F., Khan M.N., Knowles L., Knudsen E., Lee S.Y., Murchie K.J., Tiedemann J., zu Ermgassen P.S.E. and Spalding M. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society (2015)
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A blueprint for blue carbon – toward an improved understanding of the role of vegetated coastal habitats in sequestering CO2. Mcleod, E., G. Chmura, S. Bouillon, R. Salm, M. Bjork, C.M. Duarte, C.E. Lovelock, W.H. Schlesinger, and B. Silliman. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment Vol. 9: 552–560. (2011)
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Informing conservation planning using future sea-level rise and storm surge modeling impact scenarios in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. Michael T., J. Brenner, and B. Gilmer. Ocean & Coastal Management. (2014)
Modeling and Abating the Impacts of Sea Level Rise on Five Significant Estuarine Systems in the Gulf of Mexico. Geselbracht, L., K. Freeman, A. Birch, D. Gordon, A. Knight, M. O’Brien, and J. Oetting. Final Report to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency – Gulf of Mexico Program, Project # MX-95463410-2. The Nature Conservancy. (2013)
Informing Conservation Planning Using Sea-level Rise and Storm Surge Vulnerability Assessments: Galveston Bay and Jefferson County, Texas. Gilmer, B., J. Brenner, and J. Sheets The Nature Conservancy. (2012)
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Using interactive decision support to integrate coast hazard mitigation and ecosystem services in Long Island Sound, New York and Connecticut USA. Beck, M.W., B. Gilmer, A. W. Whelchel, Z. Ferdaña, J. Stone, G. Raber, C. Shepard, I. Meliane and S. Newkirk. In Renaud, F. (Ed). Linkages between Ecosystems, Livelihoods and Disaster Risk Reduction. PEDRR, UNU Press, Bonn. (2010)
Building Resilience to Climate Change: Ecosystem-based adaptation and lessons from the field. Ferdaña, Z., S. Newkirk, A.W. Whelchel, B. Gilmer, M.W. Beck. Building Interactive Decision Support to Meet Management Objectives for Coastal Conservation and Hazard Mitigation on Long Island, New York, USA, in Andrade Pérez, A., Herrera Fernandez, B. and Cazzolla Gatti, R. (eds.) Gland, Switzerland: IUCN. 72-87. (2010)
South Carolina, U.S.
Ecosystem-based adaptation in marine ecosystems of tropical Oceania in response to climate change. Grantham, H.S., E. McLeod, A. Brooks, J. Hardcastle, A.J. Richardson, E. Poloczanska, T. Hills, T., S.D. Jupiter, N. Mieszkowska, C.J. Klein, and J.E.M. Watson Pacific Conservation Biology Vol. 17: 241-258. (2011)
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City of Goleta, Coastal Hazard Vulnerability Assessment & Fiscal Impact Study -- CA CR Network Webinar -- July 12, 2016
Social Vulnerability & Demographic Issues in Coastal Adaptation -- CA CR Network Webinar -- June 15, 2016
Economics of Climate Adaptation Strategies for Southern Monterey Bay -- CA CR Network Webinar -- May 26, 2016
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Economic Impact of Climate Adaptation Strategies for Southern Monterey Bay. (2016). Prepared by The Nature Conservancy for the California State Coastal Conservancy. K. Leo, S. Newkirk, W. Heady, B. Cohen, J. Calil; P. King, A. McGregor, F. DePaolis, R. Vaughn, J. Giliam; R. Battalio; E. Vandebroek; J. Jackson; D. Revell. Ed. N. Steinberg.
Evaluation of Erosion Mitigation Alternatives for Southern Monterey Bay. (2012). Prepared for Monterey Bay Sanctuary Foundation and The Southern Monterey Bay Coastal Erosion Working Group by ESA PWA, P. King, A. McGregor, M. Caldwell, and E. Thornton.
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