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LANDFIRE video page

Visit LANDFIRE's YouTube Channel, where all videos are posted. Below are quick links to 57 videos, sorted by playlist and date. Click on the playlist name to go to that section on YouTube. Click on the video title to access it directly.

NOTE: We keep a video archive of 60 older  videos. Please contact us to find an item that's not in the public inventory. 


Playlist: Introduction to LANDFIRE

What is LANDFIRE? A "warm welcome" overview of program philosophy, products and uses. Jim Smith. 2 minutes

Introduction to LANDFIRE - Heather Heward, senior instructor at the University of Idaho in the fire program, teaches classes that use LANDFIRE data, e.g. the Prescribed Burning Lab, Fire and Fuel Modeling, and GIS Applications in Fire Ecology and Management. Heather developed this video to communicate with students about how they will likely use LANDFIRE in their careers. 2018. 4 minutes

LANDFIRE: What you need to know and why. First of a series of two webinars presented in partnership with the Conservation Biology Institute. Presenter is The Nature Conservancy's LANDFIRE Program Lead, Jim Smith. 2016. 56 minutes

From Pixels to Landscapes: Leveraging LANDFIRE for Land Management. Second of two parts presented in partnership with Conservation Biology Institute. "Primer" webinar with Randy Swaty for Utah State University Forestry Extension. 2016. 4 minutes

Foundational Data to Improve Landscape Decisions. Webinar presented to Utah State University Forestry Extension and others. LANDFIRE Business Lead Henry Bastian explores the suite of products that are advancing data integration, advancing partnerships in authoritative data sources, and improving mapping change. Consistent wall-to-wall data provides a framework that can be used across multiple levels and efforts. One hour

Department of Interior Presents "Environmental Dream Team" Award to LANDFIRE Partner, The Nature Conservancy. Informal ceremony in September, 2018, held at TNC's Worldwide Office in Arlington, VA. 17 minutes

Playlist: Applications and Case Studies 

Ordered by date, starting with most recent  ...

Maps, Models, and Examples: Leveraging LANDFIRE's National Datasets. Webinar presented to Lake States Fire Science Network by Randy Swaty covers How Michigan National Forests modified LANDFIRE data for local use. May 2018. 57 minutes

Modeling Dynamic Fuels with an Index System: MoD-FIS in the Great Basin and Southwest U.S. Webinar presented to Great Basin Fire Science Exchange, Southwest Fire Science Consortium, and the Northern Rockies Fire Science Network. Content addresses challenges that managers of large landscapes deal with in these regions. Charley Martin, LANDFIRE Fuels Team Lead, and Tobin Smail, Fire and Fuels GIS specialist, both Technical Support Services Contractors to the USGS Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center, offer a MoD-FIS (Modeling Dynamic-Fuels with an Index System) primer, explain how the products can be used in these regions, and solicit users’ input and review. October 2017. One hour.

Scaling Up - LANDFIRE: Tools and Data for Large Landscape Management. Co-hosted with Network for Landscape Conservation for the NPS "Scaling Up" webinar series. Presenter Randy Swaty, ecologist with The Nature Conservancy's LANDFIRE team, introduces and highlights the use of many LF datasets by exploring three research products: mapping riparian vegetation conditions, modeling post-fire erosion risk and elucidating goshawk habitat. September 2017. 40 minutes

Making National Spatial Data Work on Your Northwest Landscape. Presenter Kori Blankenship. The principles of data modification are demonstrated through an example in Oregon’s Rogue River Basin where LANDFIRE data were calibrated for use in a wildfire hazard analysis. May 2017. 44 minutes

LANDFIRE in California: What It Is and Why It Matters. Presented by Jim Smith to the California Landscape Conservation Cooperative. LANDFIRE Project Lead Jim Smith offers information and insights regarding product characteristics, applications and plans as they may apply to the California Landscape Conservation Collaborative. He describes how users' contributions and comments help improve products for LCCs, land managers/practitioners, fire professionals and others who work with large datasets. He shows how LF tools can be modified for regional use. May 2017. 50 minutes

Do-It-Yourself Tinkering - LANDFIRE Data Modification for the Northern Rockies. What do you do if you’re a land manager who needs consistent, current, cross-boundary datasets, but the available data do not meet your needs? Modify the data. In this webinar, Kori Blankenship, Fire Ecologist with The Nature Conservancy, discusses how to adjust spatial data to meet your needs. April 2017. 55 minutes

Do-It-Yourself Data Tinkering: Adapting Spatial Data for Local Use. Presented to Conservation Biology Institute and SCGIS by Kori Blankenship, fire ecologist with The Nature Conservancy. Kori discusses how to adjust spatial data to make them meet your needs using examples from the LANDFIRE Program. April 2017. 57 minutes.

User Guide to Temporal Changes in LANDFIRE Vegetation, Fuel, and Fire Regime Products. Presented to California Fire Science Network. Donald Long (Fire Modeling Institute, Missoula Fire Sciences Lab, USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station) offers the chronology of processes and datasets used to implement the various updates to LANDFIRE vegetation products. April 2016. 53 minutes

Illinois State Fire Needs Assessment. Webinar during which Sarah Hagen reviews the statewide assessments of vegetation and prescribed fire management in Illinois and touches on the LANDFIRE Biophysical Settings Review and Update project. May 2016. 40 minutes

Management Applications of LANDFIRE BpS Models in California Webinar presented to California Fire Science Network. Hugh Safford.explains the process of developing state-and-transition models for successional and fire dynamics of major forest types of the Sierra Nevada, and discusses how these were adapted into BpS models for the LANDFIRE program. February 2016. 45 minutes 

Colorado State Forest Assessment: Using LANDFIRE Tools and Data Video Overview of process and products presented by Paige Lewis and Jan Koenig of The Nature Conservancy's Colorado Chapter. September 2012. 5 minutes

Assessing Restoration Needs in Pacific Northwest Forests Webinar with Ryan Haugo. Concerns key datasets that were used to quantify reference conditions for Oregon/Washington Region 6 areas. 30 minutes

Playlist: Webinars

Ordered by date, starting with most recent  ...

LANDFIRE Remap in California, co-hosted with California Fire Science Network and Utah State University Forestry Extension "Learn at Lunch" program. November 4, 2019.

LANDFIRE Remap in the Southwest, co-hosted with Great Basin, Southwest, and Southern Rockies Networks. October 6, 2019.

LANDFIRE Remap in the Southwestern United States: Webinar presented with Conservation Biology on September 26, 2019. This webinar covers the new LANDFIRE Remap products, explains what has changed from previous product offerings and what remains the same or has been updated. Appplication examples are from LANDFIRE's Southwest GeoArea. Presenters are Kori Blankenship and Jim Smith of The Nature Conservancy’s LANDFIRE Team. September 2019 59 minutes. PDF of the presentation.

What's New in LANDFIRE? Remap. In early 2019 LANDFIRE began releasing Remap data products,in what is a national rollout over a period of a year. With the Northwest Fire Science Network, LF co-hosted this webinar that examined improvements to previous product offerings, reviewed what remains the same, and explained how LANDFIRE resources can address specific fire and land management issues in the northwest region of the United States. May 2019. 58 minutes.

Making it Work: How Michigan National Forests modified LANDFIRE data for local use.  In partnership with the Lake States Fire Science Consortium. Randy Swaty, ecologist on The Nature Conservancy's LANDFIRE Team, talks about LF's dozens of spatial datasets representing historic fire regimes, current vegetation, current fuels and much more. Sometimes LF data needs to be modified. Randy offers a brief introduction to multiple datasets and then explores how two National Forests are working to tweak LANDFIRE data to better meet their needs. May 2018. 57 minutes.  Link to webinar's PPT notes. 

Modeling Dynamic Fuels with an Index System: MoD-FIS in the Great Basin and Southwest U.S. Co-hosted with Southern Rockies, Great Basin, and Southwest Fire Science Exchanges. Presenters: Charley Martin and Tobin Smail, Fire and Fuels GIS specialist, both Technical Support Services Contractors to the USGS Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center. October 2017.

Foundational Data to Improve Landscape Decisions. Webinar presented to Utah State University Forestry Extension and others. LANDFIRE Business Lead Henry Bastian explores the suite of products that are advancing data integration, advancing partnerships in authoritative data sources, and improving mapping change. Consistent wall-to-wall data provides a framework that can be used across multiple levels and efforts. September 2017. One hour

Making National Spatial Data Work on Your NW Landscape. Presenter Kori Blankenship. The principles of data modification are demonstrated through an example in Oregon’s Rogue River Basin where LANDFIRE data were calibrated for use in a wildfire hazard analysis. (For more information on this topic see the recently released guide: Modifying LANDFIRE Geospatial Data for Local Applications by Don Helmbrecht and Kori Blankenship.) May 2017. 44 minutes

LANDFIRE in California: What It Is and Why It Matters. Presented by Jim Smith to the California Landscape Conservation Cooperative. LANDFIRE Project Lead Jim Smith offers information and insights regarding product characteristics, applications and plans as they may apply to the California Landscape Conservation Collaborative. He describes how users' contributions and comments help improve products for LCCs, land managers/practitioners, fire professionals and others who work with large datasets. He shows how LF tools can be modified for regional use. May 2017. 50 minutes

Do-It-Yourself Data Tinkering: Adapting Spatial Data for Local Use. Presented to Conservation Biology Institute and SCGIS by Kori Blankenship, fire ecologist with The Nature Conservancy. Kori discusses how to adjust spatial data to make them meet your needs using examples from the LANDFIRE Program. April 2017. 57 minutes.

Do-It-Yourself Tinkering - LANDFIRE Data Modification for the Northern Rockies. What do you do if you’re a land manager who needs consistent, current, cross-boundary datasets, but the available data do not meet your needs? Modify the data. In this webinar, Kori Blankenship, Fire Ecologist with The Nature Conservancy, discusses how to adjust spatial data to meet your needs. April 2017. 55 minutes

LANDFIRE Introductory Data Product Review for Alaska. 2017. Presented by Wendel Hann, Wildland Fire RD&A to the AK Fire Science Consortium. This webinar focuses on the LANDFIRE Data Product Review website with a brief overview, demonstration of website processes, and discussion. 56 minutes

From Pixels to Landscapes: Leveraging LANDFIRE for Land Management. Second of two parts presented in partnership with Conservation Biology Institute. "Primer" webinar with Randy Swaty for Utah State University Forestry Extension. 2016. 4 minutes

LANDFIRE: What you need to know and why. First of a series of two webinars presented in partnership with the Conservation Biology Institute. Presenter is The Nature Conservancy's LANDFIRE Program Lead, Jim Smith. 2016. 56 minutes

User Guide to Temporal Changes in LANDFIRE Vegetation, Fuel, and Fire Regime Products. Presented to California Fire Science Network. Donald Long (Fire Modeling Institute, Missoula Fire Sciences Lab, USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station) offers the chronology of processes and datasets used to implement the various updates to LANDFIRE vegetation products. April 2016. 53 minutes

Illinois State Fire Needs Assessment. Webinar during which Sarah Hagen reviews the statewide assessments of vegetation and prescribed fire management in Illinois and touches on the LANDFIRE Biophysical Settings Review and Update project. May 2016. 40 minutes

Management Applications of LANDFIRE BpS Models in California Webinar presented to California Fire Science Network. Hugh Safford.explains the process of developing state-and-transition models for successional and fire dynamics of major forest types of the Sierra Nevada, and discusses how these were adapted into BpS models for the LANDFIRE program. February 2016. 45 minutes 

BONUS: Link to "16 in 2016" on Conservation Gateway sorted by geographic region. Also includes pdf's of presentations, when available. 


 Playlist: Tutorials

Acquiring LANDFIRE Data 6 minutes

Calculate Area Mapped in a LANDFIRE Grid 4 minutes

Data Access Tool Demo 15 minutes

Data Distribution Site Demo 15 minutes

Editing LANDFIRE Grid Attributes 5 minutes

Existing Vegetation Type Dataset Primer 9 minutes

How to Alter and Run a LANDFIRE Model in ST-Sim 6 minutes

LANDFIRE Application Scale 30 minutes

Making a New Grid From an Existing Grid 2 minutes

Overlay Grids Using the Combine Function 4 minutes

Overview: FRCC Map Tool Tutorials 48 minutes

Overview: LANDFIRE BpS Models in ST-Sim 5 minutes

Simulating the Historical Range of Variability in Fire-adapted Forests Using LANDFIRE 9 minutes

Simulating the Historical Range of Variability with LANDFIRE Models 2 minutes

Vegetation Departure Calculator Demo 5 minutes

Playlist: Shorts

Friendly videos of less than five minutes 

11 Commandments of Data 4 minutes

Drought-Based Fuel Dynamic Model 5 minutes

Introduction to LANDFIRE 4 minutes

LANDFIRE Listens! 2 minutes

Partnerships and MOUs 3 minutes

Simulating the Historical Range of Variability with LANDFIRE Models (aka modeling HRV with LANDFIRE BpS models) 2 minutes



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