Case Studies
Moving from understanding to implementation often requires pragmatic demonstration of what works. These case studies—and accompanying manuals, methods, tools and literature on the other pages—provide resources to support new and on-going efforts.
HbD Approach Overall
Embed within planning and decision-making processes
- Integrating Hydropower by Design into basin management plans and environmental licensing in the Magdalena basin of Colombia
- Mapping the key decision-making processes for hydropower development in the Tapajos basin of Brazil
- System Scale Hydropower Planning in Myanmar: An Illustrative Approach
Engage stakeholders and understand interests and objectives
- Stakeholder consultation for participatory basin planning in the Magdalena-Cauca Basin of Colombia
- The Paresi people's vision for the future: Indigenous-led mapping and planning in Brazil's Tapajós basin
Translate stakeholder interests and objectives into metrics
Assess Development Options and Illustrate Tradeoff Results
Transfer results to stakeholders to better inform decisions
The development of the Hydropower by Design approach was conceived through constructive dialogue and a range of collaborative projects supported by our partners. Learn more.